Monday, 26 September 2011

Design For Print- Task 1

For this section of the task i am going to be looking at information and way finding,  i want to try and link it back to the phone box, or again national identity of britain. Simplicity in message is crucial in this section of the task. 

This is a quick example of a publication demonstrating colour wheel, demonstrating information, in a clear concise way, with a strong layout. 

The thing that attracted me to this piece of design, was the multi usage of letter's and numbers, simplistic graphs allow easily understandable information to be supplied to the on looker. What i would want to achieve, is hard hitting information that will supply my point clearly.

This is an example of showing information in an interesting, taking a more physical approach will allow people to interact more with the design, and as result be more likely to intake the message. it is something that maybe difficult to do for my particular project. 
* projecting phone boxes- 31,000 less. 

This again is a strong example of portraying a simplistic message in an innovative way, that will allow people to interact with the message more, which is obviously important in this case. 

This is a more complex family tree of dinosaurs, although i would not attempt to do anything like this for my project, the efficient colour code, allows you to find things quickly,, something that is important in complexity, if not colour then some other way of narrowing the search. The image itself although complex is interesting to look at. 

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