Tuesday 13 March 2012

Info Graphics/Office Calendar

I have began looking at ways in which i can get Salad cream into the work place, which media this turns into is some what difficult to nail down. However i think what i need to do is make salad cream visible the whole time, hopefully with the target audience interacting with it. So looking down the calendar route is a possibility.
I want a style the is representative of heinz with out being to "wet" so create some interesting videos. I could also promote it on the a level of the event.. os a count down to the event.

Everything that i have picked out here is based around simple geometrics, i especially like the delux colour wheel this is simplistic and pleasing to the eye. However portraying relevant information for Heinz maybe difficult. Coming up with the relevant information will be slightly difficult. especially when really aiming at the target audience of 18-29.

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