Wednesday 14 March 2012

Heinz Salad Cream Charity

We have decided to come up with a concept for heinz salad cream based around treating it as a charity, or in fact mayonnaise as a charity. The intial strap line being " every ten seconds a pot of mayonnaise is maliciously consumed.....Save Mayonnaise buy heinz salad cream" on this post i am looking at successful charitable campaigns, and the merchandise and pieces of design that go with it. This will enable us to see what will be appropriate for salad cream.

I think it is very important to have a web presents, on this kind of event as it will allow you to get your message out to as many people as possible over a short period of time.
Also using merchandise to get into the public eye is a good way of getting a message out there for example t shirts. Something you can get if you vote etc.

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