Tuesday 13 March 2012

Heinz-Family Arguments

Top 20 family arguments
  1. Household chores
  2. Treating the house like a hotel
  3. Taking each other for granted
  4. Being unable to find something in the house
  5. What to watch on TV
  6. Whose turn it is to wash up
  7. Whose turn it is to go on the computer
  8. The cost of the telephone bill
  9. Loud music
  10. Homework
  11. Constantly being asked for money
  12. Bad driving
  13. Where the remote control is
  14. What to have for tea
  15. Putting an empty juice / milk carton back in the fridge
  16. What time the children should go to bed
  17. Never ending sport on TV
  18. People spending too long in the bathroom
  19. What time teenagers should be back home
  20. Who should empty the dishwasher

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