Wednesday 5 October 2011

Creating an Identity- task 2

Since initially coming up with 150 logos, we have been asked to develop just one, of the 150, this was chosen for us from a crit process, much like a client. As a result, i now have to look at developing four pieces of packaging, aimed and incorporating my defined logo. here are some initial inspirations or influences. 

These are examples of set of packaging that works well, the simplicity of the logo and the type used, gives a bold identity, that is easily recognisable.

This logo is simple, but the use of colour draws you to certain parts of the logo, which is something that could be incorporated into my logo. 

Again use of colour is strong here, with a left to right layout it is simple but effectively eye catching something that my packaging will have to incorporate as in reality it is all about promoting. 

The reason i chose this set is the colour used again, it really helps to bring out the illustration, an interesting colour scheme can give a logo or piece of packaging strong identity. 

This is classic and very traditional, something that my work will not take much notice of, i need a strong bold message to be portrayed that will allow a big impact, i also would like to look at interesting shapes of packaging, and cutting in to the nets we have been given. 

This perhaps is my favourite set of packaging, it works so well as a set and creates a strong identity, which is quite out of the ordinary for this kind of product.  

Basic designs through out i think are the most successful in purely focusing or portraying a message across, colour i think is also very important and something in the past that i have been hesitant to use, however in this project it will change. 

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