Monday 8 October 2012

Type design research.

example of how typography can be applied through advertising whilst using interaction, this is something that i should bare in mind while doing the typefactory brief. The idea of interaction will really appeal to the younger audience, creating my own universal typeface now has higher importance, this will give my project an uniqueness.

example of keeping consistency with in the design, of paramount importance to maintain to create effective final outcome. 

i have uploaded this here due the simplistic nature of the design, with the identity coming from digital and analogue time. The identity it creates is strong as well,  nice concept with the line cut from the bus card. 

example of a created typeface, with specific rules and regulations set by the designer, i like the sketch style of the type, and how this gives a different message to straight type. the universal appeal of this would make the typeface easily applicable to most situations. 

another nice example of typographic design, i like the slightly serifed style of this typeface, whilst still keeping a straight edged universal form, this is something i want to try and emulate in my own typeface. 

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