Monday 11 April 2011

Communication is a virus-Flyers and Posters.

For the flyers and posters, we need to keep in consideration the colour restrictions, but still provide all the necessary information, without it being to hard lined, and dull. the layout and colour scheme will help us with this. We looking to achieve something information filled, but simplistic.

The two flyers above i like a lot, using different text layouts draw in interest, which will be important with our colour restrictions. 

i think that this is my favourite example of a flyer on this post. it use simple black and white, which gives an effective outcome. the different sized text. Highlights the main part of the flyer, with the small information aligned from the left, looks incredibly effective. different pt size is something that should be incorporate into our flyers. 

here is an example of a leaflet, using limited 3 colours still mangers to create an effective outcome. as well as simple layout an imagery. Informs people but not over bearing them with information. 

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