Tuesday 15 February 2011

Project 100-Inspiration

Here are a selection of the chocolate bars, that the chocolate museum set me. They have been useful for comparing and contrasting with modern day wrappers, and the branding of them. This selection are from all over the world, mainly europe and africa. the things that intreats me most are the changes in colour and the type. these wrappers are from the 1930's to 1990's 

Here i have been looking at variations of info graphics, what i want to achieve with mine is predominately clarity in information, and showing it in an effective way. Colour is something that is also important in info graphics. 

Here i have been looking at book inspiration, what i want to show is strong layout but focusing on the images of wrappers. what i like about the book directly above is the strong use of type. the colour scheme will be important. i really like the typography on the book above. 

Here is example of instructions, i like the layout from the old air fix ones, its simple. and gives strong direction, i think the black and white(sepia) works well as a colour scheme. the lego is is very simple aswell, but would not be suitable for the audience i am looking at.

Cool examples of categorising and design in general, like the use of colours. 

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