Tuesday 22 March 2011

what is a line-initial research

the brief is simple.... exploring lines, i have decided to focus my search on mapping, and specifically contour lines and grids.

as initial research iam trying to investigate a broad range of topics with in the heading mapping. i like the idea of surgical mapping. the idea of mapping the body for alteration interests me a lot. and something that i will continue to develop. I also enjoy the thought of using grids on the human body.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Hot dog fold-inspiration

What i wanted to achieve with the hot dog book, was something simplicity showing the basic shapes of buildings, buy basic shapes, i wanted to stay true, to square,rectangle,circle,triangle. to see some of the interesting patters that could be made from these shapes.

This is exact the kind of thing i am looking to do in terms of simplicity, however this is focusing at the shape that the building as a whole creates. i am really focusing in on one part of a building and highlighting the shapes i see with in that. i like the way the black and white colour scheme works. 

this is a prime example of an interesting building, with interesting shapes to highlight. however my search will just be leeds based. 

the simplicity of this front cover atracted me to this, altho it is just a set of square on a page, it is visually in caging, there is a good chance that one of my pieces, will look simalar to this. 

the reason for putting this up here, is the swiss modernist, really made minimalist design work, and this is something that i am going to try an emulate. 

this is based around aritechutral shapes, and interests me visually, i like the colour scheme, its perhaps something that i would like to incorporate in to book. 

again and example of swiss minimalist design. 

basic shapes used in architecture. 

another example of basic shapes in design.